Thursday, August 12, 2010

Income statement for 2010 Veggie Pride Parade

Veggie Pride Parade has just uploaded its income statement for the past 10 months. This period best represents that time for which transactions for the 2010 parade were made.

Click on the following link for Web page with all information, including links:

Or simply read the following:

2010 Veggie Pride Parade, sponsored by VivaVegie Society

Parade income
(Oct. 1, 2009–Jul. 31, 2010)
  • Contributions designated for the parade, $4,012
  • Contributions from groups with exhibit tables at the post-parade expo: $980
  • Grants for parade, specifically: $10,500
  • Program guide, $5,515
Parade expenses
(Oct. 1, 2009–Jul. 31, 2010; overhead not included)
  • Rental of tables, tent, chairs: $1,385
  • Printing of program guide (5M copies): $3,976
  • Business cards: $30
  • Food (V-Spot; Whole Earth Bakery): $1600.
  • Liability insurance (one day, required by city): $962
  • Print advertising (3): $1,434
  • Sound technician (planning and day-of): $500
  • New parade banners & posters: $746
  • Stationery supplies, mailing, public officials: $168
  • Postage, mailing, public officials + misc.: $261
  • Photocopies, fundraising presentations: $56
  • Port-o-pottie: $125
  • Volunteers meeting, pre-parade, room rental $88
  • Rental for 4 ladders, special photographic shots of parade: $60
  • Clean-up crew: $160
  • Videographer: $200
  • Web site: $274
  • Permits, Parks Dept., NYPD (sound): $77
  • General day-of expenses, including table substrate, outreach bags, laminated signs, etc.: $57
  • Professional services (parade organizer): $2,300
Other revenues
(Oct. 1, 2009–Jul. 31, 2010)
  • Sales, 101 Reasons Why I'm a Vegetarian, other donations: $2,125.
General overhead expenses
(Oct. 1, 2009–Jul. 31, 2010)
  • Rent, telephone, utilities (electricity) p.o. box, gen'l office, computer, bank charges, plus misc.: $7500

NOTE: VivaVegie Society, 501(c)3, sponsoring organization of the Veggie Pride Parade, NYC, has not, does not, and promises never to in the future, share its database or contributors's list.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Veggie Pride Parade NYC 2010 a roaring success

The Third Annual Veggie Pride Parade NYC 2010 was a rip-roaring success. Nearly a thousand people marched in the streets of Greenwich Village on May 16, 2010, for compassion, for environmental sanity, and for health awareness. Our numbers easily swelled to 1,500 once we reached Union Square Park (north end), the end-point for the parade and location of the vegan-happy rally & expo. There, costume-wearing vegan-proud individuals were treated to a dozen inspiring speeches, 38 noncommercial exhibitors, cart-loads of free vegan food, live entertainment, as well as heartfelt exhortations from people at the soapbox testimonial station. Click HERE to go to the Veggie Pride Parade Web site, where you can view images, videos, a listing of media posts, and lots lots more. Bookmark the site, because we plan to post huge amounts of content over the weeks to come.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Fabulous program guide 2010 available online!

The fabulous program guide for the upcoming 2010 Veggie Pride Parade NYC is available online! Click HERE to download a PDF (3.2 mb). Everything's there: A list of speakers, exhibitors, entertainers, donors of cash, food, and prizes, the latter for the costume contest. There are two articles, a list of volunteers, and, of course, the program of events! Oh, and many many ads from the generous sponsors of the Veggie Pride Parade. This is not to be missed.
Five thousand printed program guides are due to arrive in our office at One Union Square West, #512, NYC 10003 on Friday, April 30. Volunteers are encouraged to pick up handfuls (and even shopping bags full) of guides to distribute at their favorite veggie haunts (restaurants & health-food stores, mostly). Call 212-242-0011 for more information on how you can help in this very important way to get the word out about our wonderful parade and post-parade rally & expo. Peas & luv, Pamela R.

Monday, April 19, 2010

This blog has moved

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New posting poster, Veggie Pride Parade

A new posting poster is available with a nice big map of the start point for the parade. We've placed a nice big zip code in the map, for those of you driving in with GPS devices. Just plug in that zip and you're good.
We really hope people are downloading this poster, getting it printed at the local copy shop and placing it around your haunts and neighborhoods.
Now, you want a good crowd at the Veggie Pride Parade. We are stronger in numbers--remember?
See you at the parade! Click on the image and scroll down. Click on map for a PDF of the poster. Or just send the link to your printer!